What is the future of the Resident Director “RD” position and role?

Within the past few years, residence life and education professionals are increasingly scrutinizing the resident director (RD) role. The “great resignation” has played a part of this, but the need to revise our staffing structures has existed for a while.

Is the position sustainable? How have our students, and thus their needs, changed? What should be the duties of the position? What are reasonable duties and work expectations? How do we compensate our staff appropriately? The list of questions could go on and on.

These past few months Roompact has been running a blog series where a variety of authors weigh in on these questions. Each provides a unique insight into their point of view. Check them out…

AND, if you want to contribute your own voice to this project, please reach out to Paul at roompact dot com, and let us know. We offer our writers a little thank you gift for their contribution and labor, too.

Resdient Directors - The Position Training and Hiring and Selection

Explore our topics page for research and information on professional hall staff in residence life.

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