If you’re a current campus with Roompact and need help, check out the resources in our support portal or contact us. You can access these options under “Help” in your Roompact account. If you’re having difficulty logging in, contact your housing department or departmental administrator.

At Roompact we view our support as one of the most important “features” of our software. And we take an expansive view of support. We’re not only there when you encounter difficulty, but we proactively seek to provide help and other resources to ensure you get the most out of your Roompact experience.

We believe the bedrock of good support is building a strong relationship and foundation with each of our campus partners. Through our commitment to on-campus training, being available and engaged at conferences, and employing experts in housing and residence life, we care passionately about you and your work. Your success is our success.

What our campuses say…

“The Roompact team is highly responsive, willing to listen, guide and support.”

Their customer services as well as their commitment to students’ development in the residence halls are undeniable.”

“The support from the Roompact team has been like having a support team in my back pocket when issues or questions arise.”

“What I love most about Roompact is their amazing customer service. It really helped prove this was a great investment for our campus.”

Paul Gordon Brown

You Have Your Own “RA” (Roompact Advisor)

Each campus that works with us is assigned their own Roompact Advisor or “RA”. Your RA is there to guide you through your implementation of and orientation to Roomapct’s software, and they continue that relationship through annual meetings, conference meet ups, and proactive outreach. As former professionals and experts in residence life and educational practice, they understand your needs and area always available to consult and help.

Training On Campus… Included.

Because of our strong belief in relationships, we made a decision that all of our campuses should receive complimentary, on-campus, in-person training at the start of our working together. We also provide a number of other virtual trainings throughout the year and upon request. Don’t be surprised if we stop by your campus from time to time, either.

Support Email Icon

Fast Support Response Times

At Roompact, we make it competition to see who can respond to support tickets the fastest! And it’s not just about speed, we also pride ourselves on being thorough and attempt to anticipate your needs before you even need to ask. We’ll also be there for you with extended support during those critical times of year, such as residence hall opening.

A Multimedia Support Portal

Need help figure something out? Our support portal is a wealth of tutorials and resources and we provide them in multiple formats, from presentations, to videos, to screenshots, and text.

Regular Updates and Communications

Every campus receives regular meetings where we can check in, give you insights into how your campus is using Roompact’s software, and answer your questions and seek feedback. All campus professionals also receive quarterly updates and special announcements to make sure you’re always in the loop on the exciting things we’re releasing.

“Ace” Guides and Cases For Expert Guidance

Support isn’t just about answering your questions, but anticipating your questions and providing proactive advice and consult you didn’t even think to ask for. Through our Ace Guides and Ace Cases, we guide you through both the practice and software elements of our solutions.

Engage with the Community at the
Roompact User’s Conference

Some of our best learning comes from our peers. At Roompact’s User’s Conference, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from other campus that are doing cool things with Roompact’s software. Interact, ask questions, and join the community at our annual event.


For The Good Of The Profession

We’re not in this just to sell software, but to give back to and engage with the professional as a whole. You’ll frequently see us attending and presenting at conferences and in leadership roles within professional associations. Being a residence life company, you’ll often see us working with ACUHO-I and all of it’s regional affiliates.

Blog Posts, Webinars, Books, and other Professional Development Resources

Roompact has always been about advancing professional practice and so we’ve made a significant investment in developing free professional development resources for residence life and education professionals. Through our blog, webinar series, books, and resource pages, we hope to help elevate important ideas and voices that can help you in your own professional advancement and in your service to students. We also develop some special Roompact-specific resources for the campus users of our software.

Professional Development Resources
Roompact Blog
Roompact Webinars
Roompact Books
Roompact Courses
Topical Resource Pages
Jobs at Roompact Schools

Find out how Roompact’s experts can help!

Reach out and request a video demonstration or a consult to take a look at our software.