Roompact Campus Success Case Studies

UT Dallas Notes Case Study

Notes for Resident Care and Retention

University of Texas at Dallas

Getting staff to take good and purposeful notes can help your staff be more thoughtful and proactive in addressing resident issues that arise. Learn how UTD did it.

Closing the Assessment Loop

Northern Illinois University

NIU used Roompact’s Insights to quickly and easily turn around assessment data to engage staff in conversations about how they could improve their practice.

Retention & Tracking Student Interactions

Oklahoma State University

Find out how OSU uses Roompact’s software to track intentional interactions, check-ins, and interactions to aid in their student support and retention efforts.

Intentional Resident Check-Ins By Text Message

The Evergreen State College

Staff at Evergreen experimented with Microsurveys to conduct regular “electronic check-ins” with residents throughout the term–identifying trends and providing individualized follow-up support.

Housing Operations

University of Oklahoma

The OU housing operations staff finds that Roompact breaks down communication silos and helps their department work more collaboratively with their residential education colleagues.

The College of New Jersey

In this ResEdChat podcast episode, the staff at TCNJ discuss how they use data to better tell their story, assess the effectiveness of their initiatives, and aid in student retention.

About ResEdChat

ResEdChat Podcasts

Roompact’s ResEdChat podcast highlights cool people who do cool things and talk about cool stuff in residence life and college student housing. If you have a topic idea for an episode, let us know!