Student persistence and retention is a critical goal for many colleges and universities. A difference in a percentage point can make a huge difference for students but also for your institution’s bottom line. Roompact has a number of tools that are built specifically for residence life that can fit into your campus’ overall approach to increasing retention.

How Roompact can help!

Screen Shot of Resident Timeline with Dropdown Filters

Historical Timelines of All Your Interactions

Roompact’s software makes it easy for you to see the history of all of your interactions with your students. Each resident has their own their own timeline that includes a chronological listing of messages exchanges, notes kept, forms filed, and other actions related to that student. The timeline can be filtered and follows the resident, year over year, as they journey through housing.

Quantify Engagement (Or Lack Thereof)

Student affairs research consistently finds that engaged students are more likely to persist. With Roompact’s data collection and insights, you can identify which students are engaged and which ones are not, allowing you to do better follow up and check-in with students who may be struggling.


Jeremiah Kibler

“Roompact has helped me see the big picture when it comes to my students. The tagging feature really helps me keep track of how my residents are doing. Roompact has so many great features I feel like I learn a cool trick/tool every day!”

Jeremiah Kibler

Roomapct Software Room View. With different colored rooms.

Map Where Students Are Struggling On Campus

Through Roompact’s visual layouts, you can get a better handle on where your trouble spots are on campus or where students may be struggling. As a useful tool for supervisors, you can easily track the relative health of your communities and follow up with your student staff members.

Jump Back In Time

Roompact takes a longitudinal view of your data. Resident data is always avayalbe year over year and even when a resident moves rooms or moves off campus. Learn a little bit more of our Archive Mode feature…

Find out how Roompact’s experts can help!

Reach out and request a video demonstration or a consult to take a look at our software.