So You Are A New Hall Director And Are Just Starting The Job, So Now What?

Guest Post by John Lantz, Residence Life Professional

So you are a new Hall Director and are just starting the job, so now what? Being a Hall Director is a thrill but also can come with a lot of stress if you let it consume you. With over 11 years of experience in the world of academia and four years specifically as a Hall Director, I can assure you that stress is not just a possibility, but a guaranteed companion on this rollercoaster journey. 

Let’s be real; managing stress in this role is like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle. And sometimes it can feel like you are doing nothing right. However, fear not, my friend, for I’ve walked this tightrope, and I’m here to impart on you wisdom that has kept me sane over the years and also allowed me to operate as my best self. 

1. Embrace the Chaos: Your to-do list resembles the length of a CVS receipt, and there’s a constant hum of activity in your hall. Instead of fighting the chaos, embrace it. Understand that unpredictability is the only predictable thing in your job. The sooner you accept this, the more equipped you’ll be to handle whatever curveballs come your way. 

2. Prioritize Like a Pro: Not all tasks are created equal. As a seasoned Hall Director, you’ve got a knack for recognizing what needs immediate attention and what can wait. Learn to prioritize like a pro. The key is to focus on the tasks that align with your overarching goals and contribute to the well-being of your residents. Additionally, communicate your priorities to your staff team and be clear about what your departments priorities are too. 

3. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate: It’s a common rookie mistake to try and be the hero who does it all. Newsflash: You’re not Superman or Wonder Woman or the Black Panther. Delegate responsibilities to your capable team members. A well-oiled machine functions best when everyone is playing their part and when everyone’s part is clear. 

4. Have non-negotiable you time: The job can keep you in your office until all hours of the day and night if you let it. If you do let yourself stay in your office you will burn out faster than you can imagine. Instead carve out time everyday that is exclusively for you to do whatever you want. For me, that was running and everyday at 5:15pm I went for a 1 mile run. When I got back I would meet a friend for dinner. I communicated to everyone on the staff team I supervised as well as my peers that from 5:15pm to 7:00pm everyday I was not available unless I was on-call. 

5. Connect with Your Tribe: You’re not alone in this. Reach out to fellow Hall Directors, colleagues, or even a mentor. Share your experiences, swap stories, and seek advice. The higher education community is a tight-knit tribe, and your comrades are your greatest allies in navigating the storm. 

6. Celebrate the Wins, Big or Small: In the whirlwind of your responsibilities, it’s easy to overlook your victories. Take a moment to celebrate the wins, whether it’s resolving a conflict between residents or successfully executing a well-received event. Acknowledging your successes, no matter how small, will keep you motivated and remind you why you chose this path. 

In conclusion, my fellow Hall Director, stress is part and parcel of the gig. Embrace it, manage it, and don’t forget to take a breather when needed. You’re not just managing a hall; you’re sculpting the future of America. And the future of our country requires us to pour our all into our teams and students. If you can manage your stress and take care of you, you put yourself in a place to create a community and environment that permits you to be your best self. And trust me, that’s a journey worth taking. 

Stay resilient, stay inspired, and keep being the rockstar that you are.

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