ResLife Office Set-Ups: Kate Gannon-Cullinan, Associate Director, Louisiana State University

Where do you use Roompact?

I use Roompact in my office on campus in Baton Rouge. Though I also have a Surface Pro to jump into the software from anywhere – gotta love that online-based product! – I use it most from the office as I’m checking on form submissions and creating new tools to streamline operations for our residents. I have curtains hung up in my office behind me to both hide the closets full of recruitment and move-in day swag, but also to provide a tidied background during Zoom meetings.

What is your office set-up?

As a staffing and operations manager, I cannot go back to a single monitor. My desk set is set up to allow full visual of my 2 monitors and also the addition of my webcam for our new world of online meetings.

The shelf – that my partner built for me – helps keep everything up at eye level which has actually helped my posture and productivity. I have more space directly in front of me to be able to take notes in meetings while still being camera-facing instead of needing to pivot to the side.

I have 3 quotes, which I rotate each semester, directly above my monitors as a sort of professional mantra depending on my focus or goals for that point in the year.

How has Roompact helped your everyday work?

Roompact has allowed us to reach students in a more direct way as forms/surveys autofill names and they can tag their hall and room. As we’ve incorporated it into our community engagement model, we’ve been able to quickly search a student’s intentional interactions before going into a conduct or student of concern meeting.

On my operations side of things, we’ve moved our on call logs and scheduling all into this program, which allows for less paper to be printed and immediate access to any updates in scheduling.

The GREAT Residence Life Roompact Office Set-Up Competition

Get new ideas and contribute to win prizes as we highlight the different office set ups of residence life professionals using Roompact’s software! If you want to get inspired for your own home or work office, check out all of the previous entries.

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