As an RA, Who Am I Working For?

When was the last time you bought something before doing some research on that item? I’m talking about buying a shirt at Target without looking at the price tag before going to the check out lane. Another example can be applying to college: Did you research which university you wanted to attend by looking at... Continue Reading →

As An RA, How Do I Set Boundaries?

During my first day as an RA, I had a floor meeting with my residents. I introduced myself, did an ice breaker, shared some resources, and shared policy expectations. I can vividly recall telling my residents, “I am here to support you, so never feel bad if you need to reach out for questions or... Continue Reading →

As An RA, How Do I Conquer Time Management?

Talking about time management can immediately be stress-inducing as a student. You have so much going on in between being a student, a student leader, and experiencing your own personal growth that when your supervisor, professor, guardian, friend, or mentor looks at you and says “are you managing your time properly?”... Sometimes it’s hard not... Continue Reading →

As An RA, Why Is Development Important?

In August of 2020, I sat down in my first master’s class where I was completely SHOCKED to learn that a bunch of scholars kind of knew exactly what I went through as a college student. One scholar spoke to how transitions were hard and challenging, which is why college students need support. College is... Continue Reading →

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