Restorative Practices in ResLife: Roommate Agreements

This post is one in a series about integrating Restorative Practices into a model for residential learning.  Start with the introduction as a primer and explore posts on other strategies you can utilize with a restorative lens.| Introduction | Roommate Agreements | Floor Meetings & Circles | Curriculum Development | Residential Curriculum | Intentional Conversations... Continue Reading →

What is a Good Benchmark for Residence Life Roommate and Suitemate Agreement Completion?

One of Roompact's most used software features is the ability to design and deploy Roommate and Suitemate Agreements to residents. Roommate agreements are documents that help facilitate a conversation with a roommate grouping to help them share expectations of living together. Suitemate Agreements (or Apartment Agreements) are intended for groupings of students who share a... Continue Reading →

🦠 Sample Questions You Can Use In Your Roommate Agreements During COVID-19

Many colleges and universities across higher education use Roompact to facilitate their roommate and suitemate agreement process. Roompact Agreements includes customizable templates, the automatic distribution of agreements to specific resident groups, and agreement records that can be accessed and revised by both staff and students alike. Many institutions will customize their agreement templates in Roompact's... Continue Reading →

3 ResLife Pro Quick Tips for Roommate Agreements

For Pro Staff For Student Staff Roompact's "Quick Tips" series highlights ideas and suggestions you can put into your practice as either a professional staff or student staff member working in residence life and education. Click to read more from the series. Roommate agreements are a common feature of many residence life departments. Agreements are... Continue Reading →

Residential Curriculum Element #5: Educational Strategies Go Beyond Programmed Events

We're all familiar with the premise that food is a necessary component of any educational endeavor in the residence halls. Attract residents with pizza and then ambush them with educational content. Although there is nothing wrong with incentivizing participation in an educational activity, the premises behind this mindset are problematic. This approach assumes that the problem with an educational program... Continue Reading →

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