How Roompact Applies the Essential Elements of a Curriculum to our Business (And You Can, Too!)

Although the residential curriculum model was designed to support student learning on college campuses, the concepts in curricular approaches are equally as applicable to business and everyday work concepts. As outlined by Kerr, Tweedy, Edwards, and Kimmel (2017), curricular approaches are guided by "10 essential elements." At Roompact, we find many of these elements align with... Continue Reading →

Which of the Residential Curriculum Elements are the Hardest to Achieve? And Why?

The Residential Curriculum Institute defines a curriculum as having 10 "Essential Elements." These are the features and principles that a residence life department's educational program should adhere to if it is to be considered a "true" residential curriculum. In 2013, while in my PhD program, I conducted some research on schools implementing this curricular approach. I wanted to find out... Continue Reading →

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